Thank you for your support.

This is an important campaign at a critical moment.

The REAP Climate Center is a 501c3 founded in December 2020. Tax ID 86-1984990

We are so thankful, but we’re at a precipice financially - we need your help to sustain this powerful momentum:

  • A FabLab to train countless new makers to support nature-based solutions.

  • Two Cathedral-Style Greenhouses to provide learning opportunities and support our food forest, permaculture gardens, and much more.

  • Our South Campus to double our footprint and operational capacity.

These dynamic initiatives will help grow our on-campus partners to 20 organizations by 2024, and ramp us up to serve 9,000 people annually. You'll also be helping us flourish in the meantime, as 30% of donations support our organizational capacity.

Will you join us in co-creating our equity-driven ecological solutions?

Donate via Website

Since we first opened our gates in 2021, we’ve achieved so much:

  • Developed 35% of our half-mile-long campus and launched 8 core programs with 33 sub-programs.

  • Hosted over 3,600 visitors, volunteers, and trainees -  In April 2023 alone, 300 kids, 70 plus people from San Francisco’s Environment Department, group from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Google, and more…

  • Made over 400 tons of compost via our closed-loop community partners.

  • Planted 52 trees on site, and 275 regionally with our partners. 

  • Became home to 7 other regenerative and community-based organizations, including Bay Beehives, The Wild Oyster Project, 100K Trees for Humanity, the Alameda Young Naturalist Club, and more.

Everything We Do Rolls Up!!!

Our programs and initiatives span 22 different impact categories. By supporting us, you are supporting:

Agriculture | Animal Husbandry | Arts | Biodiversity | Carbon Capture | Climate Change Mitigation | Compost | Equity | Greenhouse Gas Reduction | Greening Initiatives | Innovation | Makerspace | Nutrition Enhancement | Regeneration | Renewable Energy | Resilience | Science + Soil Science | STEM + STEAM + Education | Urban Farming | Waste Capture | Workforce Development | Youth Programs

Donate via Website

DAFs & Grants

Donor Advised Funds & Grants are the heart of what we do.

As you search for us in your DAF system, please note we are currently transitioning our mailing address and name. Our 501c3 Tax ID will remain the same: 86-1984990

We will be listed in one of these ways:

  • REAP Center: 513 Hickory Street, San Francisco, CA, 94102

  • REAP Climate Center: 808 Marina Village Pkwy, #234, Alameda, CA 95401

Still contemplating how to give or engage in a meaningful way?

Want to chat about our mission and your gift?

We are happy to help. Please complete the form below and we will reach out in whatever manner you wish.

Donation Pledge Form

While every bit of help matters, currently large and structured gifts are the lifeblood that keeps our programs running and facility development moving forward.

If there are programs or endowments that are important to you, please share that too.


Special Perks for this Campaign!

  • Donations of $150 more receive 25% off an annual membership.

  • Donations of $300 or more come with a personalized walking tour for you and up to 50 friends.

  • Donations of $600 or more come with two annual memberships. (50% savings)

  • Donations of $10,000 or more fully fund 5 school field trips for up to 100 students each.

  • Want to name a Greenhouse or the FabLab? Let’s talk.

Be Fantastic!

Donate Now